Portretfoto Marieke van der Keur

Marieke van der Keur


Marieke van der Keur is an experienced cassation lawyer.
She also provides support for other lawyers in professional liability cases. Furthermore, she advises other lawyers, for example in cases that are complicated or involve a matter of principle, where the parties wish to be prepared for a possible appeal in cassation.



Marieke’s clients and colleagues praise her attention to detail. She achieves the best possible result for her clients by doing justice to the finer points of the case.

Appeals in cassation combine academic knowledge and legal practice. Marieke loves the challenge of the complex legal issues that arise in each and every Supreme Court appeal. No two cases are the same. All require an assessment of whether the law has been applied correctly in that specific situation and whether there is an opportunity to develop the law. Key elements in her work are a sharp analysis of the court’s ruling and a creative approach. She is always honest about what would make the best solution.

Marieke deals with appeals in cassation across the full spectrum of civil law. Examples include inheritance law, property law and family law. She is particularly interested in employment law; she provides advice and conducts litigation in cassation for employees, employers and trade unions.

Lawyer in the Supreme Court

Marieke passed her cassation exam in September 2013 and her practical cassation exam on 12 July 2016.


Marieke obtained a Master’s in Dutch law in 2006. She subsequently did a dual Master’s in social law and social policy at Tilburg University. As part of her dual Master’s programme, Marieke spent two years handling cases in various areas of law for the Oud-Charlois Lawyers’ Collective.

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