Elieske Kallenberg - Ekelmans Advocaten (2)

Elieske Kallenberg

As a lawyer, Elieske Kallenberg deals with a variety of insurance law issues. She mainly focuses on fraud and liability cases for health and non-life insurers.



Fraud cases are often complicated and voluminous. Getting to the heart of complex cases is an interesting challenge for Elieske. She is analytically strong and enjoys tackling fraud cases in a creative but efficient manner.


Elieske was previously a lecturer at the Institute of Private Law at Leiden University. Besides her career as a lawyer, Elieske is active in theatre. In 2018, she founded the theatre foundation Henk Speelt, a musical theatre collective in Leiden. In 2013, Elieske obtained her propaedeutic degree in musical theatre at the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten.


Elieske received her bachelor’s degree in law from Leiden University in 2017. In 2019, she completed the master’s degree in civil law (cum laude). During her bachelor, Elieske studied for a semester at the University of East Anglia in the UK. During her studies, she completed several internships in the legal profession and at the Amsterdam District Court.

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