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The risks of recreational wild swimming: personal injury and liability. An analysis of Dutch case law

The risks of recreational wild swimming: personal injury and liability. An analysis of Dutch case law

In the Netherlands, there are more than 700 locations officially designated as safe places to swim. Many more places are expected to be unofficially used for recreational swimming. Although over 90% of the Dutch master the basics of swimming, swimming in outdoor areas has been proven to remain a risky activity. In this article Diederik Hulsbergen will share an insight in recent Dutch case law on liability for owners of outdoor areas that are used for recreational swimming. Read more
The qualification of the to-follow clause in the Dutch co-insurance market

The qualification of the to-follow clause in the Dutch co-insurance market

The Dutch insurance market employs co-insurance with 'to-follow' clauses, ensuring consistent coverage decisions among insurers to avoid coverage gaps. To what extent is a following insurer bound by the decisions of a lead insurer? Read more
NIS2 directive - Network and Information Security Directive 2

NIS2 directive – Network and Information Security Directive 2

The NIS2 directive will soon come into force in the Netherlands. It is the successor to NIS Directive and focuses on risks that threaten network and information systems, such as cyber security risks. Organisations covered by the NIS2 directive will have to comply with the duty of care and notification obligations from then on. In this blog, lawyer Anne-Mieke Dumoulin-Siemens discusses what the directive entails, what it means for your organisation and what preparations your organisation can already make. Read more
A new (temporary) regime for turboliquidation

A new (temporary) regime for turboliquidation

Turboliquidation, the process of swiftly winding up a legal entity, only exists in the Netherlands. Directors in countries such as Germany or England do not have this option. Turboliquidation is a coveted tool among ‘Dutch’ directors: as many as 36.456 turboliquidations took place in 2022. Read more
Netherlands UBO register temporarily closed to public, registration requirement still applies

Netherlands UBO register temporarily closed to public, registration requirement still applies

It is not acceptable that random members of the public can request (financial) information about a UBO. This has been ruled by the European Court of Justice. The Netherlands UBO register has therefore been temporarily closed to the public. What does this ruling mean and what are its implications for the UBO register? Read more
Insurance help for Dutch entrepreneurs who are not able to meet premium obligations

Insurance help for Dutch entrepreneurs who are not able to meet premium obligations

The Dutch Association of Insurers and the Dutch State provide various ways of help to prevent entrepreneurs from falling into premium debt due to Covid. Read more
VoetbalTV and the GDPR: even commercial interests can be legitimate

VoetbalTV and the GDPR: even commercial interests can be legitimate

Vivian Huisman has written a blog about a ruling by the Midden-Nederland District Court, which shows that a purely commercial interest can also be a legitimate interest to process personal data. Read more
Schrems II

Can you transfer personal data to third countries safely after Schrems II? 

Since the EU-US Privacy Shield has been declared invalid, it is unclear how a company can transfer personal data to the US. Anne-Mieke Dumoulin Siemens provides guidance in the twilight zone created by the Court. Read more
Dutch court rules on the matter of promotion and relegation of football clubs

Dutch court rules on the matter of promotion and relegation of football clubs

The Eredivisie had to be terminated prematurely due to the coronavirus crisis. Our lawyers explain the legal aspects of the decision of the Dutch football Association on how to end the season. Read more
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