Ekelmans Advocaten stijgt dit jaar op de ranglijst van beste Nederlandse advocatenkantoren op het gebied van verzekeringsrecht. Deze internationale lijst wordt jaarlijks samengesteld door Chambers & Partners.
De onderzoekers zeggen over ons kantoor:
Ekelmans Advocaten offers renowned expertise in litigation and has a long track record advising on high-profile cases before the Supreme Court. The team is well known for its experience regarding healthcare insurance matters, while the contentious side of the practice covers professional, D&O and general liability concerning construction, property and marine damage.
One client highlights that the firm’s team is made up of “smart people with a lot of knowledge who are still really friendly and social.”
Jan Ekelmans wordt door Chambers speciaal aanbevolen. Chambers schrijft over Jan:
Jan Ekelmans is an experienced practitioner, with notable experience advising healthcare insurers. He also assists with reinsurance matters, event cancellation insurance and D&O liability claims. His working style is commended as being “very elegant and smart.”
Meer over de Chambers-ranking van Ekelmans Advocaten kunt u vinden op de website van Chambers and Partners.